Distribueret NX-sikkerhed
Integrated safety into machine automation
The Sysmac automation platform integrates the safety solution within our one connection and one software concept. One connection is realised through the use of Safety over EtherCAT - FSoE - protocol. The one software is achieved by using the Sysmac Studio for configuration, programming and maintenance. The NX safety system consists of safety controller and safety I/O units. Both the safety controller and safety I/O can be freely distributed in an I/O rack throughout the network, mixing them in any combination with standard NX I/O.
- The safety controller meets Category 4, PLe according to the EN ISO 13849-1 and SIL3 according to the IEC 61508
- Up to 8 safety input points per unit
- Safety Function Blocks conforming with IEC 61131-3 standard programming
- PLCopen Function Blocks for safety
- Integration in one software, Sysmac Studio
Specifications & ordering info
Ordering information

Communication and control units
Safety Digital I/O units
Performance1, I/O Refresh Mode |
Note: For a standard I/O unit please check the chapter NX-I/O.
Software tool
To program the NX-Series use the Sysmac studio software tool, please have a look on the section Software to select your licence
Ethernet cables and accessories
EtherCAT patch cables, improved shield
Note: For [.] fill in the 1-character length code.
Ethernet patch cables, standard RJ45 connectors
Note: For [...] fill in the length in cm.
Ethernet patch cables, RJ45/M12 connectors
Note: For [.] fill in the 1-character length code.
Ethernet cables and accessories
Industrial switching hubs
EtherNet/IP control data priority
Broadcast storm and LSI error detection |
EtherCAT junction slave
How can we help you?
If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.
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DownloadSafety Units
Safety Controller

Safety I/O modules