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AMR Safety Assessment (AMR)

Each day autonomous mobile robots are becoming bigger, heavier, more complex and even more autonomous. Together they are creating entirely new safety challenges faced by machine manufacturers, integrators and users alike.

To face these challenges, our Safety Service consultants can provide assistance on mobile applications, from the design phase to all the way to the integration with an existing system.

We combine our experience as manufacturers of mobile solutions (e.g. our LD and HD series) and our extensive knowledge in the Safety field (including ISO 3691-4) to assist in every step of the process, from the design phase, through risk assessment, testing and validation, all the way to the end-user needs.

Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) systems implemented in an industrial environment will involve certain risks caused by the interaction of the new technology with workers and existing assets. By helping you design your specific application according to relevant standards, our Safety Service consultants will enable your application to be safe and compliant during its complete lifecycle.

Did you know that the new ISO 3691-4 standard includes specific requirements in terms of clearance between mobile robot and other structures? With our support, you can define your application in detail and avoid changing the complete layout once the solution is installed.

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How it works

By being involved from the very first stage of the application design process, our Safety Service consultants will be able to perform a design review and provide risk reduction strategies for the integration of mobile units, as well as for the risks along the AMR routes.

This support can provide:

  • AMR application design review as per ISO 3691-4

  • Layout design review and zones identification according to ISO 3691-4

  • Design calculations / estimations, especially in applications moving heavy loads

  • Risk Assessment, considering the requirements of EN ISO 3691-4, other applicable technical standards and the Machinery Directive

  • Testing

  • Validation of the solution, both at the factory or on the site

  • CE Health Check (CEHC)

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