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Supplementary Assessments (SAT & MNC)

Additional services to support you.

We can provide supplementary services to help you comply with your legislative and regulatory obligations, and to ensure that equipment that is safe for use, and fit for purpose. These additional services include:

  • Individual Essential Health and Safety Requirement (EHSR) Assessments

  • Control System Assessments to the Relevant EN Standards

  • Noise Assessment

Contact us for machine safety consultancy

Individual Essential Health and Safety Requirement (EHSR) Assessments

It is mandatory that machinery is compliant with the EHSRs of the machinery directive and this is an integral part of the CE marking process. However, on-going compliance to the EHSRs is sometimes overlooked when refurbishment or upgrading machinery.

We can provide individual assessments to any of the EHSRs within the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, and provide a written report to identify any non-compliance. We can also outline any necessary further remediation of the machine that may be required to ensure compliance is achieved.

Control System Assessments to the Relevant EN Standards

To achieve compliance the machine builder can presume conformance if the machine is built to the applicable standards when CE marking machinery. A good way of ensuring compliance to specific EN standards following upgrade or refurbishment is an individual assessment of the machine’s functional control systems, and hazardous energy control systems.

  • IEC EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines

  • EN ISO 4414 Safety of machinery - Fluid power systems and their components - Pneumatics

  • EN ISO 4413 Safety of machinery - Fluid power systems and their components – Hydraulics

We can provide a full assessment report, that can give you peace of mind that the machine’s control systems are compliant to the standards.

Machinery Noise Calculation (MNC)

This is also mandatory under the scope of the Machinery Directive when CE marking machinery. The manufacturer must state the level of airborne noise emission generated by the machine in its operating instructions, and provide noise testing results in the machine’s Technical File. We have consultants qualified in noise assessment that can provide a noise assessment on machinery to help you fulfil these obligations.

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