Multi-axis point-to-point positioning controller over EtherCAT
In the minimum of space you can have a complete and powerful position control system when combining the Omron CJ2 PLC, the CJ1W-NC EtherCAT unit and the G5 servo drives with EtherCAT built-in.
- Position control units with 2, 4, 8 or 16 axes
- NC_82 models support up to 64 additional nodes: inverters, vision systems and distributed I/Os
- Linear and circular interpolation
- Linear and infinite axes management
- Programming languages: ladder and function blocks
- Certified PLCopen motion control function blocks
- The unit can perform various operation sequences in the memory, operation data
- CX-Programmer software for unit setup, EtherCAT network configuration and PLC programming
Specifications & ordering info
Ordering information
Position controller unit
EtherCAT related devices
Servo system and frequency inverter
Note: Refer to servo system and frequency inverter sections for detailed specs and ordering information.
GX-Series I/O Blocks
Note: Refer to Automation systems catalogue for detailed specs and ordering information.
Vision system
Note: Refer to vision system documentation for detailed specs and ordering information.
Computer software
How can we help you?
If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.
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