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Nord Modules

Pallet Rack - Omron

  • HD-1500
  • Peripheries

The pallet rack for Omron can hold pallets with a total weight of up to 1400 kg (3086 lbs) and comes in both a version for EU-size pallets, and a version for US-size pallets. The NORD Pallet lifts mounted on an Omron AMR can dock in the pallet rack to receive or deliver a pallet. The pallet rack is easy to mount and setup – simply measure the correct distance between the two parts and bolt the rack to the floor. It has a unique centering mechanism that makes sure the pallets gets centered every time.

  • Simple and fast assembly process - providing a complete solution in combination with the Nord Modules EU & US Pallet lift.
  • Small footprint - make the most out of your valuable floor space.
  • Can handle payloads up to 1400 kg.
  • Comes in two versions - one for EU-size pallets and one for US-size pallets.
  • Unique centering mechanism.
More information can be found on our partner’s webpage.


Except for the specific OMRON branded products displayed on this website, OMRON is not the manufacturer nor supplier of any of the available accessories displayed herein (“Accessories”). OMRON doesn’t warrant nor shall assume any liabilities for the specifications and/or performance of any of the Accessories, which are the entire responsibility of their respective manufacturer and/or supplier identified in this website (“Partners”). OMRON shares the information on the Accessories as it has been provided by the respective Partners, and OMRON doesn’t make any representation as of the accuracy and currency of any of such information which in any case must be confirmed by the relevant Partner.