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Information, Control and Safety

The NX5 modular controller integrates control, information and safety, providing a new level of speed to manufacturing sites. Speed up all processes from commissioning to operation and maintenance.

  • Direct connection to a database as standard feature, with no special unit, software, or middleware required. Support for stored procedure calls and secure communications functionality. 
  • OPC UA server built-in as standard feature, variable structures are supported 
  • Cloud direct connection: MQTT(S) communications are supported using MQTT Communication Library 
  • Large memory for data handling. 260 MB for variables 
  • Built-in network connectivity, 2x Ethernet (1 Gbps) ports + 1 EtherCAT. 
  • Used in conjunction with NX-SL5 Safety Control Unit to build a large-scale safety system (CIP Safety: Up to 254 connections) 
  • Up to four NX-EIP201 network units. It can expand the number of Ethernet ports up to 10 in total. 
  • Fastest cycle time: 250 µs 
  • Synchronized motion core. Number of axes: 64, 32, 16, 128 and 256
  • Battery-less controller 
  • One unique and synchronized cycle for local & remote I/O, EtherCAT devices and motion control 
  • Up to 63 local NX units, including Safety and IO-Link master 
  • Multi-tasking controller 
  • EtherCAT Ring topology is supported to maintain communications and control in case of a broken cable or device failure

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Max. number of synchronous axes Supports DB connection Supports OPC-UA Primary task cycle time Program memory Variables memory Communication port(s) Max. number of remote I/O nodes Supports sequence control Supports motion control Description
Sysmac NX5 CPU with SQL Database Connectivity, 80 MB program and 260 MB data memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 256 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 Ethernet ports (OPC-UA and EtherNet/IP)
Sysmac NX5 CPU with SQL Database Connectivity, 80 MB program and 260 MB data memory, built-in EtherCAT (32 servo axes, in total 256 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 Ethernet ports (OPC-UA and EtherNet/IP)
Sysmac NX5 CPU with SQL Database Connectivity, 80 MB program and 260 MB data memory, built-in EtherCAT (64 servo axes, in total 256 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 Ethernet ports (OPC-UA and EtherNet/IP)
Sysmac NX5 CPU with SQL Database Connectivity, 80 MB program and 260 MB data memory, built-in EtherCAT (128 servo axes, in total 256 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 Ethernet ports (OPC-UA and EtherNet/IP)
Sysmac NX5 CPU with SQL Database Connectivity, 80 MB program and 260 MB data memory, built-in EtherCAT (256 servo axes, in total 256 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 Ethernet ports (OPC-UA and EtherNet/IP)
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