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Sysmac controller – NX7 Series

The NX7 series is a high performance CPU that includes two synchronized motion cores controlling up to 256 axes.

  • Fastest cycle time: 125 µs
  • Number of axes: 256, 128
  • Two synchronized motion cores
  • Functions: Logic sequence, Database connection, AI and Motion
  • Database direct connection: SQL client for server Microsoft SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL
  • Database direct connection in V2.0 is expanded with stored procedure calls and secure communications functionality
  • AI Functionality: AI engine included in the controller enables real time utilisation of machine learning model
  • AI Predictive Maintenance Library enables non-stop equipment
  • Multi-tasking
  • Built-in EtherCAT and two EtherNet/IP (1 Gbps) ports
  • IoT Ready: OPC UA server built-in as standard feature, variable structures are supported

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Max. number of synchronous axes Supports DB connection Supports OPC-UA Supports AI control Primary task cycle time Program memory Variables memory Communication port(s) Max. number of remote I/O nodes Supports sequence control Supports motion control Description
Sysmac NX7 CPU, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (128 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports
Sysmac NX7 CPU with Database Connectivity, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (128 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports
Sysmac NX7 CPU, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (256 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports
Sysmac NX7 CPU with Database Connectivity, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (256 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports
Sysmac NX7 AI Controller, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (128 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports
Sysmac NX7 AI Controller, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (256 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports
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Direct access to SQL Database

Stored procedure

nj nx stored procedure engb prod

What is stored procedure?

Stored procedure is one of the database functions. A group of SQL statements is stored in a database, enabling complex processing to be executed with one call. The Stored Procedure Call function to call stored procedure in a database from the controller has been added to version 2.0.

nj nx secure connection engb prod

Secure connection between FA and IT

Authentication based on server certificates and encrypted communications ensure safe connection between a database server and the CPU unit.*1

nj nx batch insert engb prod

5 times faster data collection than the previous method

Batch Insert can store various types of data for a long time, just like an event data recorder. This allows you to identify the causes of line stoppages by analyzing data collected every scan.*1*2

nj nx automatic generation engb prod

Automatic generation of tables from structures and vice versa

A database table can be automatically generated from a structure, and a structure can be automatically generated from a database table. Mapping time can be reduced.*1

1. Available in NX701-1□20 and NX102-□□20. Will be available in NJ□01-□□20 soon.

2. Compared with when multiple insertions are performed.

3. A stored procedure is required to delete tables.


AI Controller Software

The AI Predictive Maintenance Library, a collection of software components, calculates optimal future values to judge behaviour from data of operating mechanism.



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