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Boldyn Networks


Boldyn Networks is one of the world’s largest neutral host providers, delivering the advanced shared network infrastructure needed for a smart, inclusive, and sustainable future.

It brings together the combined scale and expertise of seven leading companies with a single purpose: to unlock the power of an interconnected future. From interconnected transit, venues and enterprises to smart cities, next-generation, and bespoke private networks, Boldyn enables new possibilities in the way people live, work and play. Bringing connectivity to the most complex environments. Our portfolio is harnessing fibre, advancing 4G/LTE, accelerating 5G, preparing for 6G–and looking beyond to the next breakthroughs.

With headquarters in the UK our global operations span North America, Europe, and Asia. Boldyn Networks. Reimagine tomorrow. Transform today.

Skills: 4G / 5G Private Networks

Cyber Security